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MORE INFORMATION:     DE: +49 1623965535   SA: +27640665429 /

€50.00 (In Stock)

"GIN Tasting with African Braai (BBQ) Evening
Join us for a unique evening featuring our ErichGIN products from Germany, infused with South African flair. Enjoy a traditional Braai (BBQ) with South African specialties, complemented by a variety of salads and desserts. Beer and non-alcoholic drinks are available throughout the evening at mini bar prices. Experience an unforgettable night of great food, drinks, and culture!"

This version emphasizes the special features of the event and highlights the German-South African blend.

gin-tasting-with-african-braai-bbq-evening gin-tasting-with-african-braai-bbq-evening gin-tasting-with-african-braai-bbq-evening gin-tasting-with-african-braai-bbq-evening
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